Monday 19 December 2016

UNV 108 Week 1 Topic 1 Assignment: Navigating LoudCloud and Time Management

UNV 108 Week 1 Topic 1 Assignment: Navigating LoudCloud and Time Management
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UNV 108 Week 1 Topic 1 Assignment: Navigating LoudCloud and Time Management

Purpose of Assignment: To become familiar with the GCU Learning Management System (LMS) Loud Cloud and the GCU website, and to also help you develop time management, an important skill for college and everyday life.
This assignment will be in two parts. In the first part of this assignment, you will be exploring and navigating around the Loud Cloud LMS so that you are more confident in locating items in the online class as well as resources that are available to you as a GCU student. Also in Part 1, you will navigate the GCU website so you become more familiar with it and can locate information you may need in the future.
In Part 2, you will be tracking and recording your time spent for 3 days to see where and how you manage your time. You will then reflect on your findings and plan strategies to help you maximize your time and help you become a better manager of your life.
Format: Solid academic writing is expected for both Parts 1 and 2.
Grading Criteria: Part 1 will be graded with an instructor answer key; Part 2 will be reviewed based on your data given and presentation of your reflection.
Assignment Due Date: End of Week/Topic 1

Part 1: Navigating the Loud Cloud LMS and GCU Website
Directions: Please locate the correct response(s) to each of the questions below, and then provide your answer found, in one to two sentences, or short answer format. (The spacing can be manipulated if you require more room for your responses. Please DO NOT forget to SAVE once you begin to answer the questions, so you do not lose any information.)

The following questions are directed towards the Loud Cloud LMS:

1.     After logging into the Loud Cloud classroom, list the main tabs you see across the top of the “home” page of Loud Cloud. Include the number to tech support, link is located at the bottom of the home page (hint: it is in blue).

2.     From the Course Home page in Loud Cloud, click on the TASKS tab and then click on FORUM. Explain the purpose of the Main Forum, Individual Forum, and Questions to Instructor Forum.

3.     Under the RESOURCES tab in Loud Cloud, click on the Student Success Center. List the three main tabs you find at the top of the Student Success Center.

4.     Under the RESOURCES tab in Loud Cloud, inside the Student Success Center, click on TOOLS and then click on Style Guides and Templates. What writing style is required for 100- and 200-level courses at GCU?

5.     Under the Resources tab in Loud Cloud, inside the Student Success Center, click on the Tools tab at the top of the page select Tutorials. List 3 tutorials that will help you most as you begin this course.

6.     From the Course Home page in Loud Cloud, explain the steps to find your GRADEBOOK.

7.     Click on the RESOURCES tab in the Loud Cloud classroom. Describe the following resources:

1.     Course Material
2.     Add-ons
3.     Syllabus
4.     Classroom Policies
5.     Student Success Center
6.     Library
7.     Tutoring Services

8.     Click on the RESOURCES tab in the Loud Cloud classroom and select COURSE MATERIALS. List the first two resources you find on the page under the Course Contents heading.

9.     Go to Under Help, click on the Frequently Asked Questions (on the left) link. Describe how to get help from the librarian.

10.   Stay in the CONNECT tab, select and click on Roster. Review your instructor’s profile, provide his/her contact information, including office hours.

The following questions are directed towards the GCU Website at: 
1.     On the Home Page, locate and click Student Affairs, then locate and click Spiritual Life. Describe which sections of this page interest you. Why?

2.     On the Home page, locate and click Campus Resources. Locate and click Learning Resources then locate and click Learning Lounge. What can you expect during your tutoring session with a learning advocate (LEAD)?

The following questions are directed towards the GCU Website at:
1.     On the Home page, locate and click on About GCU. Locate and click University Snapshot. Locate the Mission and Vision Statement for Grand Canyon University. Based on the Mission Statement what will GCU prepare you to become upon graduation?

2.     Staying on the University Snapshot page, locate and list the Four Pillars of GCU.

3.     On the Home page, click Academics. Locate and click Majors & Programs, then locate your program. Which program core course looks most interesting to you? Why? Include course name, number and description along with your explanation.

Part Two: Time Monitoring and Management for College & Life
Directions: There will be two parts to this portion of the assignment, Part A and Part B. Please complete all sections on this document, as this is what you will be submitting for your entire Topic 1 Assignment (Parts 1 and 2).
In Part A, you begin by keeping an informal time log in which you note all your activities for 3 days, from 5 a.m. to 11 p.m.(even if your wake-up and bedtime alter from this beginning and end time, please use this time-frame and just place what you are doing during the hours allocated). You will use this information for planning ways to make better use of your time.
In Part B, you will briefly analyze the results from your time log to determine the changes you need to make to your time schedule and how you will manage those changes. After analyzing your data, you will construct a reflective 200-250-word summary of your time-monitoring analysis and identify two main discoveries you found; whether this was positive or negative discovery. You may also wish to consider the information from chapter 4 of the textbook as you complete your reflection, as you may wish to reference to help support your findings.
Note: This portion of the assignment will also help in completing the S.M.A.R.T Goals that will come in Week/Topic 5.
Part A: Time Monitoring Activity/Worksheet
In completing the Time Monitoring, you will need to fill out the Time Monitoring Worksheet found below the following directions. *You may also wish to print one to keep for easier record keeping as you track your time, and then complete the chart here to submit with your assignment.
·         Monitor your time in hourly increments:
1.     Carry your Time Monitoring Worksheet with you whenever you are awake.
2.     Each hour of the day, starting at 5:00 a.m. and ending at 11:00 p.m., write down what you did during that hour. If you do not get up until 10 a.m., do you record 5:00 a.m.-9:00 a.m.? Yes, you will just note that you were “sleeping” during those hours.
3.     Do not overdo the recording; record the primary activity for the hour.

·         On Day 4, when you have 3 days of time monitored, it is time to analyze your time use. You will need to have your Time Monitoring Worksheet available, as you will need this to review and reflect what you have noted, as well as something to take notes with when analyzing your data.
·         New college students usually find that most time management issues, fall into three main categories, so this is where you will start the analysis. Brainstorm and organize your data into the areas noted below, and add area(s) where you see necessary. Here are the three main areas students have mentioned when reviewing their data and reasoning:
·         Making poor judgments about using their time wisely; procrastination would fall under this area or not prioritizing events or tasks wisely.
·         When stressed, becoming immobilized or shutting down mentally and/or physically.
·         Giving less than their best efforts when rushed and overwhelmed or when they feel like quitting.
·         Once you have fully analyzed your data, you will be ready to begin Part B, writing your reflective summary.

Time Monitoring Worksheet

5:00 a.m.

6:00 a.m.

7:00 a.m.

8:00 a.m.

9:00 a.m.

10:00 a.m.

11:00 a.m.

12:00 p.m.

1:00 p.m.

2:00 p.m.

3:00 p.m.

4:00 p.m.

5:00 p.m.

6:00 p.m.

7:00 p.m.

8:00 p.m.

9:00 p.m.

10:00 p.m.

Part B: Time Monitoring and Management Reflection
In reviewing your data and notes, you will now write a 200-250-word summary. Briefly discuss your findings, and if you are utilizing your time wisely or there are areas where you need to adjust to be more successful in college and life. You may also want to consider adding supportive information from the readings in chapter 4 to help express your points in your summary.
Please write your summary in the space provided below. You will be able to manipulate the space if you require more room for your summary.
Important: Once you have completed the assignment, be sure to submit the assignment to the appropriate assignment drop box for Topic 1 Assignment. Please be sure to click on the FINAL submit button, as your assignment will not be submitted unless you do this. Failure to do this could result in late penalties or a zero.
To review assignment grade and feedback, you will go to the same place where you submitted the assignment. Please watch for any important announcements that your instructor may post in regards to assignments and grades throughout the course

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